Browser Options

Home Page Settings Updated

What would you like to see when the Kiosk Browser is opened? You can use any website you wish by choosing the Remote Website type, and entering the address in the Location field.

If you have local HTML content or custom applications that you would like to use, starting with version 2.0 you can choose the Local File option and browse to the HTML file that you wish to use. The Location field will be updated automatically with the path you choose.

If you're using local content, the Automatically reload when files are changed option will monitor the folder containing the file you selected, and will reload the page automatically when any changes are detected.

Please note that for security reasons, the local file options are disabled by default. You may enable them by enabling the Allow content hosted from the local file system option on the Security tab.

Toolbar Options

These options affect what the user is able to see in the browser window. If all options are disabled, no buttons or bars will appear at the top of the browser window.

  • Show Toolbar - Toggles whether or not a toolbar appears at the top of the browser window. If disabled, all of the below options are not available.
  • Show Address Bar - Specifies whether an address bar appears in the toolbar. If disabled, users will only be able to browse to locations that are linked to from open pages.
  • Show Close Browser Button - When checked, a Close button is added to the toolbar that lets the user close the browser without using the configured keyboard shortcut. A password is required if one has been configured on the Security tab.
  • Show Search Box - Controls whether a Search field appears in the toolbar. Any text entered in the search box is sent to Google when the Enter key is pressed.
  • Enable Tabbed Browsing - When checked, users may open multiple tabs and switch between them. A tab bar will appear below the toolbar, or if the toolbar is disabled above, at the top of the screen.
  • Always Show Tab Bar - Toggles whether or not the tab bar is always visible, even if there is only one tab. This option is not available if Enable Tabbed Browsing is unchecked.

Single Page Browser New

Single Page Browser mode combines the above options with some internal controls to restrict the browser, as the name implies, to only a single page. When enabled, users will only be able to browse the home page and any pages or sites linked from it, but will not be able to access other sites or open other tabs.
The Hide all browser controls option will automatically disable all browser controls, including the toolbar and any context (right-click) menus on the page. This may be useful if you wish to use Kiosk to display a full screen web application, and would like an immersive experience where the content does not appear to be in a browser.

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